5 Most Powerful Jedi - MyRating

5 Most Powerful Jedi

No. 5- Mace Windu

Mace Windu stands out from the crowd of Jedi in more ways than one. His lightsaber is a deep purple color, a color which we've never seen any other lightsaber possess. He is also the only Jedi to appear on the same level as Yoda. The two of them have buddy-buddy conversations all the time in the prequels. And technically, Windu did beat Darth Sidious in lightsaber combat. Anakin Skywalker was the one who came along and defeated Windu when his guard was down.

No. 4 - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi is my absolute favorite Jedi of all time. Every time he duels Darth Maul (in The Phantom MenaceThe Clone Wars, and Rebels), I'm reminded of how powerful he is even though he doesn't go out of his way to show it. Kenobi is modest and unassuming. When I think of what it means to be a model Jedi, I don't think of Anakin, Luke, or Yoda. I think of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is grace and wisdom personified. While he may not have the raw strength of our final three entries on this list, he's got more class than all of them combined.

No. 3 - Rey

Though Rey was never a part of the Jedi Order, she is on her way to becoming one of the most powerful Jedi ever. With little to no training, Rey learned more about the Force in a shorter amount of time than Luke Skywalker ever did. She appeared so powerful to Luke that he was worried about the potential consequences of training her. And now that she has those ancient Jedi texts that she stole from Ahch-To, she has everything she needs to keep the Jedi legacy going strong.

No. 2 - Luke Skywalker

Luke started his Jedi training at a way later age than most normal Jedi. But he took to it like a fish takes to water. With minimal teaching and stressful conditions, Luke learned to be one powerful Jedi Knight. And in his final moments, Luke Skywalker pulled off one of the greatest tricks I've ever seen a Jedi perform. He projected an image of himself on a planet he was light-years away from, using it to save the few remaining members of the Resistance and trick Kylo Ren at the same time.

No. 1 - Yoda

Who did you think would be at the top of this list, Yaddle? Of course, Yoda is the most powerful Jedi of them all. He was the head of the Jedi Order in the prequels, the mystic recluse in the originals, and he even made a token appearance in one of the sequels.
The effects of Yoda's existence have reached all corners of the galaxy.
He is an endless font of wisdom that any aspiring Jedi can draw from. You can't even think the word "Jedi" without an image of Yoda popping into your brain.

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